Faculty & Staff

Dr. Lavada Taylor


Office: ED 320

Phone: (773) 995-3988

Email: ltaylo46@vko29.com

Barbara Belisle

Licensure Officer

Office: ED 203

Phone: (773) 995-2492

Email: bbelisle@vko29.com

Education Studies

Inna Dolzhenko
Inna Dolzhenko

Contact Information
Inna Dolzhenko
Assistant Professor Early Childhood Education
Office: ED 217

Phone: (773) 995-2191

Research/Service Interests: 
Early Childhood Education (social and emotional development of young children), Social-Emotional Learning and Character Development (teaching SEL skills to young children), Special Education (development of young children with disabilities), Mindfulness (development of awareness of self and others), Multicultural education (anti-bias education, culturally responsive pedagogy), Teacher preparation, Quantitative research methodologies (multiple regression, multivariate analyses, hierarchical linear modeling), Qualitative research methodologies

Nancy Grim
Nancy Grim

Contact Information
Nancy Grim, PhD
Interim Dept. Chairperson | Associate Professor Elementary, Middle Level, and Secondary Education

Email: ngrim@vko29.com 

Office: ED 318

Phone: (773) 995-2097

Research/Service Interest: 
Life-threatening Allergies in Schools, Science & Technology Education (Teacher Candidate Preparation / Pre-K to 12 Schools), Assessment & Accreditation, University Assessment Steering Committee - Evidence Committee Co-Chair

Jacquelien Osborne
Jacquelyn Benchik-

Contact Information
Jacquelyn Benchik-Osborne, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Elementary Education

Phone: (773) 995-2006

Research/Service Interests:
Democratic teaching and classroom practice within the tradition of the field, social foundations of education, integrating voice, perspective, and point-of-view in the Deweyan tradition

of classrooms, literacies across all disciplines of subject study, social and emotional learning in the area of STEM for both elementary and middle-level students.

Michael Wannah
Michael Wannah

Contact Information
Michael Wannah
Assistant Professor, Bilingual Education

Phone: (773) 995-2073

Chyrese Wolf
Chyrese Wolf

Contact Information
Chyrese Wolf, Ed.D.
Associate Professor 
Elementary & Middle Education and Graduate Reading

Office: ED 229

Phone: (773) 995-2370 (Prefer email communication cwolf@vko29.com)

Research/Service Interests: 
International comparative literacy teacher development using large-scale assessments, PISA and PIRLS, in the development of the public's perception of teacher effectiveness. Impact of dialogical teaching in the literacy classroom: examining the teacher-student relationship.

Contact Information

Michael Williams, EdD

Assistant Professor

Elementary Education

Office: ED 324

Email: mwillj12@vko29.com


Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation

Sarach Buck
Sarah Buck

Contact Information
Sarah Buck, Ph.D.
Professor Health Education, Physical Education & Recreation
Office: JDC 220
Phone: (773) 995-3651

Research/Service Interests: 
My research interests are currently cultural factors related to sedentary lifestyles in African American females. For service, I am Academic Affairs Committee Chair, the General Education Committee Secretary, and a member of Faculty Senate and the COE Admissions and Standards committees (all CSU). I am Past-President of IAHPERD (Illinois Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance) and currently on the Executive Board as well as editor of the semi-annual publication, the Illinois Journal. I am a member of Rotary1 Chicago as well as co-Chair of the Community Service committee.

Mark A. Kutame
Mark A. Kutame

Contact Information
Mark A. Kutame, Ph.D.
Department ChairpersonProfessor
Health Education, Physical Education & Recreation

Office: JDC 216

Phone: (773) 995-3650

Research/Service Interest: 
My research interests are in Teacher Content and Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Curriculum and Instruction, and international physical education.

June Price-Shingles
June Price-Shingles

Contact Information
June Price – Shingles
Associate Professor
Health Education, Physical Education & Recreation

Office: JDC 223

Phone: (773) 995-3779

Research/Service Interests:
My research interest consist of creating a new programming module for recreation faculty nationwide for instruction during the program design course using the 40 Developmental Assets as the core criteria.  Other interests are in leadership and professional development modules for undergraduate students independent of the core curriculum for parks, recreation and sports management and therapeutic recreation while matriculating through undergraduate studies.

Michael McNicholas
Michael McNicholas

Contact Information
Michael McNicholas
Assistant Professor
Health Education, Physical Education & Recreation

Office: JDC 219

Phone: (773) 995-2294


Research/Service Interests:
Community therapeutic recreation and community mental health.

Department of Advanced Studies in Education

Florah Luseno
Florah Luseno

Contact Information
Florah Luseno
Department Chairperson Professor Special Education
ED 319
Phone:(773) 995-2086

Athanase Gahungu
Athanase Gahungu

Contact Information
Athanase Gahungu
Principal Preparations
Office: ED 237
Phone: (773) 995-2009

Garrard McClendon, Ph.D.
Garrard McClendon

Contact Information


Principal Preparation, Higher Education Administration, Doctoral Studies

Office: ED 231

Phone: (773)821-2579

Research/Service Interests:
Perceptions, Expectations, and Language, Ebonics, Education, School Choice, Critical Race Theory, Politics, Education, Law and Finance

Olanipekun Laosebikan, Ph.D
Olanipekun Laosebikan

Contact Information
Assistant Professor
Higher Education Administration
Office: ED 226
Phone: (773)821-2832

Research/Service Interests:
Black international education exchange, international student organizations and political activism, HBCUs and international education.

Chandra Cabraal
Chandra Cabraal

Contact Information
Chandra Cabraal

Associate Professor

Doctoral Studies

Office: ED 238

Phone: (773)821-2832 

Byung-in Seo, Ph.D. 
Byung-in Seo

Contact Information

Associate Professor

Doctoral Studies 

Office: ED 228

Phone: (773)821-2181

Research/Service Interests:
Content area literacy, Secondary education, Curriculum, Instruction, Bridging the learning divide between English/language arts and mathematics.



Education Building Room: 320

Office Hours: 10am to 6pm. Monday through Friday

Telephone: (773) 995-3988 Fax: (773) 995-2473