Graduate Certificate in Therapeutic Recreation 

Certificate in Therapeutic Recreation (CTRS - eligibility)

The post-baccalaureate certificate in Therapeutic Recreation program is designed to enable individuals to become eligible to test for the National Council on Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) exam and attain the Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) credential. Courses completed in the program may be applied towards a master's degree. The certificate consists of six required core therapeutic recreation content courses and an internship in lieu of CTRS supervised employment history.

CTRS Certification (18 credit hours)
REC 5300 REC 5310 REC 5410
REC 5320 REC 5430 REC 5440

General Requirements

Proof of passing the following supportive courses in their bachelor's degree or within five years of entering the certificate program (or in candidate academic transcripts): 

  1. Anatomy and physiology
  2. Abnormal psychology
  3. Human Growth and Development across the lifespan or equivalent. 

Specific Requirements

  1. Pass all six courses with a grade of "C" or better.
  2. Proof of passing the supportive courses.
  3. Proof of one year of paid work experience under the supervision of a CTRS (or equivalent as determined by NCTRC) or complete an internship. 

Additional Information About This Program

This certificate is designed to enable students to attain the Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist certificate by the National Council on Therapeutic Recreation.

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